Design Systems: Crafting a Beautiful Web Experience

Design Systems: Crafting a Beautiful Web Experience

By SrinivasTheDeveloper, 22nd October 2023


In the world of web design, creating a consistent and visually appealing user interface is key to a successful project. Design systems play a crucial role in achieving this goal. They provide a set of rules, guidelines, and assets that ensure your web applications look and feel just right. In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of design systems and how Storybook can be your trusted ally in building and showcasing them.

Why Design Systems Matter

Design systems are like the blueprint of your web project. They help you maintain a cohesive and harmonious visual identity throughout your application. Here's why they matter:

  • Consistency: A well-defined design system ensures every component looks and behaves consistently.

  • Efficiency: Design systems save you time by providing pre-built components, styles, and assets.

  • Scalability: As your project grows, a design system makes it easy to add new features while maintaining a polished look.

Now, let's explore how to create and showcase a design system using Storybook, along with some fun facts and best practices.

Crafting Your Design System with Storybook

A Storybook is a powerful tool for designing, documenting, and testing components in isolation. Here's how you can harness Storybook to create and showcase your design system:

1. Color Palette and Fonts

Color Palette

To generate a colour palette for your design system, you can use tools like Choose a set of colours that represent your brand and ensure accessibility.


Selecting the right fonts is crucial. Use Google Fonts to pick fonts that fit your design. Consider using:

  • Monospace for easy reading.

  • Sans-serif for creative text, like quotes.

  • Sans for headers.

Remember to use no more than three font pairings to maintain consistency.

2. Illustrations and Icons

Incorporate delightful graphics and icons using resources like and thenounproject. They add a touch of personality to your design system.

3. Animations

For delightful animations, leverage react-spring and react-transition. These libraries bring life to your web components.

4. Polished.js and Tooltip

Integrate polished.js for lightweight tooltips that work seamlessly with CSS-in-JS solutions. It's like having pre-defined mixins at your disposal.

5. Carbon Design-System and Storybook Showcase

Carbon Design-System is a fantastic toolkit for creating enterprise-level design systems. Pair it with Storybook Showcase to demonstrate the power of your design system.

6. Type Scale

Use to ensure your fonts are within the recommended size range (12px min to 76px max). Following a specific font-size scale (e.g., H1 - 28px, H2 - 25px, H3 - 22px) keeps your text looking polished.

7. Component States and Styles

Create components that handle different states and styles, such as:

  • Normal

  • Focus

  • Hover

  • Disabled

  • Click/Active (optional)

For buttons, explore various button types, theming options, and fun facts like square buttons attracting more attention than oval buttons.

8. Accessibility

Maintain AAA contrast for your components, especially for buttons. AAA ensures a high level of accessibility by maintaining a strong contrast between text and background.

9. Spacing and Layout

For consistent spacing, use multiples of 4 for vertical paddings (e.g., 4px, 8px, 16px) and a minimum of 32px for horizontal spacing. This ensures a visually appealing layout.

10. Atomic Components and Composition

Create atomic components like buttons and inputs, then use them in composite components like modals, headers, and footers. This promotes reusability and consistency.

11. CSS Best Practices

Write CSS with specificity in mind. Use the most specific selectors possible and avoid using !important. CSS-in-JS solutions like styled-components can help keep your styles organized.

12. Storybook Addons

Enhance your Storybook workflow with add-ons like addon-docs to create documentation, addon-background for theming, and addon-actions for triggering actions and events in your components.


Design Systems and Storybook are a dynamic duo in creating stunning web experiences. Whether you're building a web application from scratch or enhancing an existing one, a well-crafted design system makes the process smoother and more efficient. Embrace the power of design systems, and watch your projects come to life with style and consistency.

Happy designing!

Additional Resources:

With this blog, you're now equipped with the knowledge and tools to create and showcase a design system using Storybook. Happy designing!